1.   Amines are soluble in water, aromatic amines are less soluble.

2.   Anilene is an important aromatic amine.

3.   Amine groups are found in medicines and aromatic amines are used to make dyes.

a. + amine >>共 6
aromatic 33.33%
heterocyclic 33.33%
higher 8.33%
important 8.33%
natural 8.33%
present 8.33%
aromatic + n. >>共 120
hydrocarbon 10.76%
oil 5.98%
vegetable 4.38%
herb 3.98%
plant 3.59%
rice 3.19%
spice 3.19%
coffee 1.99%
leaf 1.99%
amine 1.59%
每页显示:    共 4