1.   An army statement said the strikes were a response to a Palestinian mortar attack on Saturday that killed an army reserve soldier guarding the Jewish settlement of Kfar Darom.

2.   And Rwandan army soldiers fought with the rebels, at least in the early battles, according to Western officials.

3.   Army soldiers are expected to begin relieving the marines as early as this weekend.

4.   Army soldiers patrolled the streets of Huatulco and the surrounding hills Thursday.

5.   Army soldiers who patrolled the area around the Jewish enclave in jeeps equipped with flashing blue lights showed no sign of preparing to pull back further.

6.   A band of paramilitaries accompanied them in a mix of camouflage uniforms, along with some Yugoslav army soldiers.

7.   A few months after Radio TeleVerdad began broadcasting, army soldiers seized the transmitter and closed the station down.

8.   A North Vietnamese army soldier.

9.   A ring of Haitian army soldiers brandishing automatic weapons separated the demonstrators from the steps of military headquarters.

10.   According to subsequent, unconfirmed reports from Chiapas, however, at least two army soldiers were killed or wounded in fighting near the rebel capital of Guadalupe Tepeyac.

n. + soldier >>共 252
government 32.25%
army 17.68%
rebel 11.11%
child 4.38%
alliance 2.83%
woman 2.63%
reserve 1.97%
junta 1.84%
career 1.71%
opposition 1.65%
army + n. >>共 530
spokesman 8.76%
officer 7.57%
troop 4.86%
commander 4.35%
official 3.82%
unit 3.34%
radio 3.18%
soldier 3.15%
base 2.89%
helicopter 2.09%
每页显示:    共 554