1.   And they spent considerable time discussing arrangements for international cooperation in fighting cross-border crimes like money-laundering, computer fraud and arms smuggling.

2.   He was also thought to be involved in car theft rings, drug trafficking and arms smuggling, they said.

3.   If it does, coordinated global efforts to combat narcotics trafficking, arms smuggling, terrorism and other forms of organized crime will suffer a serious setback.

4.   In the United States, it reflects concern that criminal organizations sprouting from the ashes of communism could move West with drug trafficking, money laundering and arms smuggling.

5.   Jun was a top Chinese official who presides over a Chinese arms company under investigation for illegal arms smuggling to the United States.

6.   NATO troops may be needed on the Albanian border with Kosovo to stop arms smuggling to the guerrillas.

7.   Friday, Israel intercepted two boatloads of weapons and arms smuggled in from Jordan.

8.   Investigations following the accident pointed to a group of government officials cooperating with the mob in drugs and arms smuggling.

9.   Many Macedonians blame NATO for allegedly failing to stop arms smuggling into Macedonia from neighboring Kosovo, considered a major rebel supply route.

10.   Montesinos faces dozens of charges involving corruption, arms smuggling, drug trafficking and directing paramilitary death squads.

n. + smuggle >>共 134
arm 7.25%
weapon 3.99%
drug 2.90%
group 2.90%
gang 2.54%
trafficker 2.54%
militant 2.17%
prisoner 2.17%
people 2.17%
narcotic 1.81%
arm + v. >>共 388
be 24.83%
control 4.20%
feel 2.86%
go 2.80%
have 2.25%
come 1.58%
smuggle 1.22%
hang 1.16%
deal 1.16%
flail 1.10%
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