1.   Soviet agreements with the Shah included credits for arms purchases and the construction of an oil pipeline.

2.   We will close the Defence Export Services Organisation and ensure that overseas aid is not linked in any way to arms purchases.

3.   Along the way, he was accused of supporting terrorism, including helping to finance IRA arms purchases.

4.   Any major arms purchase by Syria now, at a potentially crucial time in the peace effort, would certainly attract criticism from Israel.

5.   At the moment, Sri Lanka is holding its ground, following emergency arms purchases last month and a full-court press to hold Jaffna.

6.   Bankers say the kingdom is expected to stick to a current freeze of major arms purchases this year as it tries to balance the budget.

7.   Bankers say the kingdom is expected to stick to a freeze on major arms purchases next year as it tries to balance the budget.

8.   Bankers say the kingdom is expected to stick to a freeze of major arms purchases next year as it tries to balance the budget.

9.   A left-wing military dictator was in power, and Montesinos funneled documents to the American embassy that detailed Russian arms purchases.

10.   Bush may offer inducements to win cooperation in scrapping or amending the treaty, including arms purchases, military aid and joint anti-missile exercises, administration officials have said.

n. + purchase >>共 384
bond 8.33%
arm 3.92%
dollar 3.16%
weapon 3.10%
gun 2.89%
land 2.83%
fund 2.61%
government 2.40%
car 2.40%
handgun 2.34%
arm + n. >>共 531
embargo 18.26%
sale 7.84%
control 4.61%
inspector 4.43%
treaty 2.65%
dealer 2.56%
deal 2.53%
shipment 2.25%
strength 2.19%
agreement 1.65%
purchase 0.95%
每页显示:    共 72