1.   Others said tribesmen and militants are armed with rocket launchers and automatic weapons.

2.   Pakistan has denied arming the militants, but concedes to providing moral support for the insurgency.

3.   Abdullah accused Pakistan of fomenting insurgency in Kashmir by training and arming Islamic militants, a charge Islamabad denies.

4.   ALGIERS, Algeria -- Armed Islamic militants fighting to overthrow the army-backed government order Algerian television and radio journalists on Sunday to stop work or face execution.

5.   Already they have burned down the Iranian Cultural Center in Lahore, accusing Tehran of arming Shiite militants in Pakistan.

6.   India accuses Pakistan of funding, training and arming the militants and providing covering fire for them to cross the border.

7.   India accuses Pakistan of training and arming the militants, a charge Islamabad denies.

8.   India accuses Pakistan of training, funding and arming the militants.

9.   India has accused Pakistan of carrying out a proxy war against India in Punjab and Jammu-Kashmir states by arming militants and sponsoring attacks against security forces.

10.   India accuses Islamabad of supporting and arming the militants, a charge the government here denies.

v. + militant >>共 327
kill 13.99%
arrest 8.75%
train 3.43%
blame 3.36%
support 3.09%
arm 2.87%
fight 2.41%
suspect 2.04%
accuse 1.81%
disarm 1.81%
arm + n. >>共 341
man 5.97%
militant 5.74%
rebel 4.46%
group 3.85%
guerrilla 2.87%
police 2.57%
pilot 2.42%
soldier 2.04%
force 2.04%
hijacker 1.81%
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