1.   The mean fundic argyrophil cell density was higher in women.

2.   Analysis of this parameter in terms of age showed that argyrophil cell densities were roughly stable in young and old women while they declined in old men.

3.   Our work indicates that fundic argyrophil cell densities were significantly higher in women than in men.

4.   Indeed, while fundic argyrophil cell densities declined with age in men, no such tendency was evident in women.

n. + density >>共 71
bone 39.69%
population 24.69%
cell 5.31%
electron 1.56%
argyrophil 1.56%
storage 1.25%
traffic 1.25%
breast 0.94%
crowd 0.94%
tissue 0.94%
argyrophil + n. >>共 6
cell 43.48%
density 21.74%
carcinoid 13.04%
hyperplasia 13.04%
growth 4.35%
proliferation 4.35%
每页显示:    共 5