1.   Economists, never mind politicians, will no doubt argue the merits of both sides for decades.

2.   Fans argue the merits of both individuals and wonder how Valentin will handle the switch to second base.

3.   For those who call his vision unrealistic, Zubrin believes he can argue its merits on terms that a prospective president could understand.

4.   He often argued the merits of killing Rabin.

5.   In bayside bars, they have argued the merits of a second causeway to the island.

6.   In a recent conversation at Philip Morris headquarters in New York, Bible even argued the merits of smoking.

7.   Political science students at New York University recognize obscure de Toqueville quotations and argue the merits of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty vs. the Strategic Defense Initiative.

8.   So with the passion of a convert, Clinton is spending hours each day arguing the merits of a strategic vision that he took years to adopt.

9.   Therefore we are very pleased that we will have the opportunity to argue the merits of our case before the United States Supreme Court on Monday.

10.   We argue the merits of video replay instead of designated hitter.

v. + merit >>共 116
have 41.91%
debate 8.67%
see 5.95%
discuss 3.75%
lack 3.10%
find 2.85%
question 2.33%
argue 1.94%
consider 1.68%
judge 1.55%
argue + n. >>共 236
case 30.74%
call 10.56%
point 8.00%
issue 2.55%
side 2.32%
merit 1.74%
opposite 1.28%
position 1.16%
appeal 1.04%
politics 1.04%
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