1.   Sometimes that criticism is valid, especially when arch foes on Capitol Hill put pragmatic politics ahead of partisan dogma to solve legislative disputes.

2.   Thursday the most fitting tribute to the bill was delivered by Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who has been its arch foe.

3.   Iran bans contact of any kind with Israel, its arch foe.

4.   Israel has fought several wars with Syria and views Iraq and Iran as arch foes.

5.   On Saturday, Pakistan exploded a nuclear device, the latest of series of blasts it and arch foe India have conducted this month.

6.   India and Pakistan, arch foes for half a century, will open peace talks for the first time in three years on Friday amid continuing sabre-rattling over Kashmir.

7.   In politics, she failed to defuse a bitter running confrontation with the opposition, led by former prime minister and her arch foe Nawaz Sharif.

8.   Iran considers Israel its arch foe and has called for its destruction.

9.   A round of talks in Berlin last month failed after the North rejected the reactors from its arch foe to the south.

10.   Beijing has angrily protested the visit which brings together for the first time on Taiwan soil its two arch foes.

a. + foe >>共 381
former 13.91%
political 12.12%
old 4.62%
longtime 4.04%
bitter 3.00%
formidable 2.42%
common 1.96%
republican 1.85%
alike 1.33%
long-time 1.27%
arch 1.21%
arch + n. >>共 85
rival 35.80%
enemy 14.01%
foe 8.17%
support 4.67%
conservative 1.56%
spandrel 1.56%
shareholder 1.17%
flare 0.78%
attitude 0.78%
nation 0.78%
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