1.   Building on sand is an apt metaphor for the challenge we face.

2.   The image of a leaping salmon is perhaps an apt metaphor for modern-day Glasgow.

3.   An apt metaphor for Come.

4.   And that is an apt metaphor for the stock market.

5.   Beverly Hall Burns, a Detroit lawyer who represents management in labor matters, figures Eleanor Engle presents an apt metaphor for what women lawyers face today.

6.   Boxing has always provided an apt metaphor for films about struggle and redemption.

7.   A construction site in Abu Dis, straddling Jerusalem, is an apt metaphor for the promise, and failure, of a Palestinian state.

8.   But to them, it was an apt metaphor for her diplomatic journey here.

9.   Casinos are an apt metaphor for day trading.

10.   He has invested all of them with wider meaning, finding apt metaphors for the collective national consciousness.

a. + metaphor >>共 317
perfect 5.82%
apt 3.75%
visual 1.69%
better 1.50%
poetic 1.50%
appropriate 1.50%
good 1.31%
fitting 1.31%
bad 1.31%
new 1.13%
apt + n. >>共 107
description 13.83%
metaphor 7.91%
comparison 5.53%
name 5.53%
analogy 5.14%
pupil 3.16%
symbol 2.37%
expression 1.98%
choice 1.98%
word 1.98%
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