1.   Delegates approved a motion calling for the re-establishment of constitutional order in Hati and the restoration of the legitimate President, Fr Aristide.

2.   Before adjourning Tuesday, General Convention messengers approved a motion to pray for leaders of the Southern Baptists of Texas as they formed their rival convention.

3.   A few hours after that meeting, the Senate fell three votes short of approving a motion to cut off debate on the tobacco bill.

4.   A House Committee will likely approve a motion that commits the U.S. to defend Taiwan if China invades.

5.   If Congress approves the motion, President Rafael Caldera would likely dismiss him.

6.   If Congress approves a censure motion against a minister, the president normally removes him.

7.   If the motion is approved, the prospect for a quick settlement in the multimillion-dollar civil cases will greatly diminish.

8.   The motion was approved unanimously.

9.   The motion was approved.

10.   The motion was approved the next day.

v. + motion >>共 306
file 21.23%
reject 5.13%
deny 4.40%
pass 3.84%
support 3.62%
make 3.54%
submit 2.29%
grant 1.98%
approve 1.94%
debate 1.86%
approve + n. >>共 673
plan 6.67%
bill 5.83%
deal 4.40%
measure 3.74%
legislation 2.90%
merger 2.56%
proposal 2.19%
resolution 2.10%
agreement 2.07%
sale 2.00%
motion 0.31%
每页显示:    共 45