1.   The selling approach to each category will tend to differ, depending upon customer needs, just as selling approaches differ when considering physical products.

2.   Although their approaches differ, both Swedish and Providence said concern for the health of their employees and the comfort of their patients drove their smoking-policy decisions.

3.   And while their approaches to recovery differed greatly, too, there were some striking similarities.

4.   At that point, the Clinton and Daschle approaches differ.

5.   Both the White House and Senate Republicans say they want to improve the quality of teaching, but their approaches differ.

6.   According to them, their approach also differs.

7.   But the approaches differ, as do the trade-offs.

8.   Five different House committees are under orders to finish their bills by Friday, and so far their approaches differ widely.

9.   Still, their approaches differ.

10.   Technological approaches differ, often according to what kinds of technology are already in place.

n. + differ >>共 756
opinion 3.41%
expert 2.26%
account 2.21%
candidate 1.86%
side 1.65%
view 1.30%
two 1.25%
proposal 1.15%
approach 1.15%
bill 1.05%
approach + v. >>共 555
be 37.65%
work 5.47%
have 3.49%
make 2.10%
seem 1.91%
help 1.71%
allow 1.27%
lead 1.22%
give 0.90%
require 0.86%
differ 0.56%
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