1.   Although Bush did not rule out eventual increases, his approach sharply contrasts with that of President Ronald Reagan.

2.   Her approach contrasts hilariously with his subtler acting style.

3.   This approach contrasts sharply with the past, when each discipline was confined to a different floor or different building.

4.   Bradley said the disagreement over health insurance demonstrates how his approach to governing contrasts with that of Gore.

5.   The approach contrasted with the cooperative comments from his predecessor, Rajko Kasagic.

6.   The North American approach contrasted with that of Germany, which passed a comprehensive Internet law last week.

n. + contrast >>共 241
comment 3.86%
remark 2.75%
style 2.48%
atmosphere 1.93%
approach 1.65%
report 1.65%
scene 1.65%
statement 1.65%
view 1.65%
result 1.38%
approach + v. >>共 555
be 37.65%
work 5.47%
have 3.49%
make 2.10%
seem 1.91%
help 1.71%
allow 1.27%
lead 1.22%
give 0.90%
require 0.86%
contrast 0.15%
每页显示:    共 6