1.   The dashpot is used to denote the retarded nature of the response of a material to any applied stress.

2.   Any applied stress is now shared between the elements and each is subjected to the same deformation.

3.   Stress-relaxation experiments involve the measurement of the force required to maintain the deformation produced initially by an applied stress as a function of time.

4.   In a stress-relaxation experiment, the sample under study is deformed by a rapidly applied stress.

a. + stress >>共 364
post-traumatic 18.45%
repetitive 4.90%
emotional 4.23%
psychological 2.72%
great 2.42%
mental 2.12%
financial 2.06%
severe 2.00%
traumatic 1.75%
enormous 1.39%
applied 0.42%
applied + n. >>共 103
science 11.74%
mathematics 11.30%
research 10.43%
physics 3.91%
stress 3.04%
pressure 3.04%
linguistics 2.17%
art 1.74%
economics 1.74%
math 1.74%
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