1.   Somehow these barters have to be broken down if computer applications are really going to succeed.

2.   UCCA is the Universities Central Council on Admissions, and applications to universities go through the UCCA.

3.   And the applications go far beyond video conferencing.

4.   Bank merger applications go simultaneously to the Fed and the Justice Department.

5.   All these applications go on the inside of the window.

6.   Guess what happens when the renewal applications go out next spring?

7.   Had the application gone through the Justice Department, it would have delineated the crimes for which the pardon was being sought.

8.   If he is not accepted early, his application goes back into the regular pool and will be re-considered without prejudice for a decision in the spring.

9.   If it is, the application goes on the waiting list.

10.   Ministerial applications will first go through district offices.

n. + go >>共 1293
thing 2.90%
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case 1.08%
company 1.07%
game 0.86%
price 0.76%
man 0.72%
application 0.02%
application + v. >>共 279
be 35.14%
include 4.71%
have 2.90%
come 2.72%
pend 2.63%
require 2.17%
take 1.63%
run 1.54%
fail 1.36%
go 1.27%
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