1.   Clear mineral and apple aromas and flavors.

2.   Pale brown, caramel apple aroma, fiery apple juice flavor.

3.   The delicious, slightly sweet, Red Delicious apple aromas and flavors are lifted by a refreshing palate-cleansing spritz.

4.   They quaff it like wine, rhapsodizing about oaken undertones and apple aromas, whispers of apricot, pear and melon, the tingle of pepper and anise.

n. + aroma >>共 61
fruit 9.30%
berry 8.14%
butter 5.81%
apple 4.65%
anise 2.33%
city 2.33%
blackcurrant 2.33%
cedar 2.33%
telltale 2.33%
bacon 1.16%
apple + n. >>共 207
juice 13.96%
tree 12.92%
cider 6.74%
orchard 6.17%
slice 3.61%
grower 2.94%
mixture 2.37%
tart 2.18%
industry 1.99%
butter 1.61%
aroma 0.38%
每页显示:    共 4