1.   Also, he wrote, when the subpoena was referred to the Appellate Division, the prosecution did not tell the appellate panel that Stewart no longer represented Maldonado.

2.   An appellate panel invalidated a special admissions program at the Texas law school aimed at increasing the number of black and Mexican-American students.

3.   An appellate panel is scheduled to hear arguments in April.

4.   An appellate panel of the trade organization ruled that the United States must stop applying the law in a discriminatory manner.

5.   Before the three-judge appellate panel today, Starr will argue that a case with tens of millions of plaintiffs is unmanageable.

6.   Both rulings show that prisoners maintain some right to a family life, consistent with security and other valid prison concerns, the appellate panel said.

7.   A California trial court threw out his wrongful-dismissal complaint, but he appealed, and a three-judge appellate panel reinstated it.

8.   A three-judge appellate panel ruled last year that the ban was unconstitutional.

9.   After a similar ruling last year by a federal appellate panel in Washington, the department asked for, and was granted, a rehearing by the entire court.

10.   After Parretti challenged that ruling, the three-judge appellate panel released him on bond while it reviewed the matter.

a. + panel >>共 750
advisory 12.61%
congressional 4.26%
independent 4.10%
special 3.27%
international 3.04%
new 2.35%
expert 2.14%
federal 2.12%
appellate 2.03%
flat 1.47%
appellate + n. >>共 59
judge 22.03%
panel 18.64%
ruling 5.93%
decision 5.30%
division 4.45%
level 3.81%
review 3.81%
process 3.81%
lawyer 3.18%
body 2.75%
每页显示:    共 87