1.   Apocrine glands are the ones in your armpits and crotch.

2.   As you travel down the evolutionary tree to simpler and simpler animals, the number of eccrine glands goes down, and the number of apocrine glands goes up.

3.   Luckily for the cosmetics industry, during puberty our apocrine glands start excreting a variety of sweat that stink-inducing bacteria love.

4.   Most lower animals have apocrine glands all over their bodies.

5.   The output of apocrine glands is closely related to some sex hormones.

a. + gland >>共 62
swollen 12.90%
gastric 6.45%
small 6.45%
walnut-sized 4.84%
apocrine 4.03%
special 4.03%
cancerous 3.23%
tiny 3.23%
affected 2.42%
little 2.42%
apocrine + n. >>共 2
gland 83.33%
sweat 16.67%
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