1.   The work, if confirmed, could eventually lead to clinical application in the treatment of aplastic anaemia and malignancy.

2.   Lindane, an organochloride compound used in sheep dips, has been linked to illnesses including aplastic anaemia.

3.   Actually, about half of known aplastic anaemias recover without one.

4.   Heba has aplastic anaemia which means her bone marrow no longer produces blood cells and doctors said she could not be treated at home.

5.   Heba, from Zarka in Jordan, had aplastic anaemia which meant her bone marrow no longer produced blood cells.

a. + anaemia >>共 14
severe 19.35%
aplastic 16.13%
unexplained 12.90%
serious 9.68%
due 6.45%
haemorrhagic 6.45%
mild 6.45%
acute 3.23%
identified 3.23%
known 3.23%
aplastic + n. >>共 2
anaemia 83.33%
crisis 16.67%
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