1.   Larry have you got any books out from the library?

2.   Did you want any books?

3.   Do you see any books or repair manuals?

4.   Downloaded any books?

5.   Now that coding has been nationally publicized as one of the practices under investigation, people wonder what she knows, whether she cooked any books.

6.   Once she was in Yokohama and, at sea with Japanese , she asked a book-store owner if he had any books by her favorite author.

7.   People for the American Way did not publish any books during the last presidential election, she said.

8.   So are any books by jurors or defense lawyers, any pay-per-view cable movie paying Simpson, and probably anything else aimed at making a profit from the case.

9.   She was appalled, he said, and told him that she hoped the store did not sell any books at the event.

10.   The Taliban also outlawed any books and other publications published outside Afghanistan.

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