1.   In vitro effects of cytokines and therapeutic drugs on antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity mediated by anticolon antibody were investigated in serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis.

2.   Circulating anticolon antibodies have been found in serum samples from patients with ulcerative colitis.

3.   The activity of anticolon antibody in the serum samples was detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay with colon epithelial cells as reported previously.

4.   The colon antigen expression detected by anticolon antibody positive serum samples was examined in IFN- treated and untreated target cells.

5.   The activities of anticolon antibody detected by ELISA expressed as optical density was compared.

6.   Two of these, serum anticolon antibodies and abnormal neutrophil function, have already been considered.

a. + antibody >>共 141
cytoplasmic 7.62%
human 7.32%
antineutrophil 6.71%
specific 5.49%
primary 3.96%
anti-neutrophil 3.66%
anticolon 2.13%
bound 1.83%
functional 1.22%
engineered 1.22%
anticolon + n. >>共 2
antibody 87.50%
mechanism 12.50%
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