1.   Gold Seal unit I should be grateful if you could answer a few technical queries for me.

2.   It gives clear detailed instructions, answers queries and suggests ways to improve your technique.

3.   Staff are always available to answer your queries.

4.   Station and telephone enquiry bureaux can answer queries on individual services.

5.   We regret that we are unable to answer multiple queries that do not comply with these instructions.

6.   We regret that we can not provide data or answer queries on articles or projects that are more than five years old.

7.   Many queries can be answered by simply accessing the index.

8.   This includes manning the front desk to answer passengers queries and complaints, change travellers cheques, and sell shore excursions, stamps and postcards.

9.   The Census Dissemination Unit is also prepared to answer queries from researchers who are having problems in using SASPAC, either by telephone or e-mail.

10.   As co-inventor of the Congestion Metering system, I am pleased to answer the queries that Dr Ton Van Vuren raised in his letter in the last edition.

v. + query >>共 89
answer 20.00%
refer 12.28%
have 8.42%
field 3.86%
handle 3.51%
post 3.16%
receive 3.16%
send 2.81%
direct 2.46%
make 2.46%
answer + n. >>共 327
question 61.13%
phone 7.03%
call 4.54%
telephone 2.88%
door 2.51%
charge 2.16%
prayer 1.37%
critic 1.05%
no 0.76%
letter 0.75%
query 0.71%
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