1.   Sure, part of the new management answer lies in articulating why change is necessary and what the desired changes look like.

2.   Part of the answer lies in experience.

3.   Many parents and school administrators believe the answer lies in providing more money and more and better teachers for public schools.

4.   Part of the answer lies in tests the IRS uses to decide how much can be deferred by the highest paid employees.

5.   Part of the answer lies in the price European telecommunications companies have already paid for third-generation licenses, contributing to soaring debt and falling stock.

6.   Part of the answer lies in the fact that pumps in four major cities have broken down.

7.   Part of the answer lies in determining which breeds are genetically and culturally unique, according to many experts.

8.   The answers lies in reducing the demand for drugs, she said, and the police are the first to agree.

9.   The answer lies entwined in the mysteries of carcinogens and individual human bodies.

10.   The answer lies buried deep in our nerve cells, which automatically damp down their initial excited response to stimuli every subsequent time a stimulus occurs.

n. + lie >>共 312
problem 4.20%
answer 2.80%
blame 2.10%
fault 1.40%
reason 1.40%
challenge 1.17%
sidehill 1.17%
success 1.17%
decision 0.93%
difficulty 0.93%
answer + n. >>共 65
session 24.78%
question 22.57%
lie 5.31%
man 3.98%
sheet 2.65%
machine 2.21%
key 1.77%
phone 1.77%
ready 1.77%
book 1.33%
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