1.   Here, the answer depends upon whether those unresolved arguments could have been determined otherwise.

2.   His answer depends on a distinction between tacit and explicit consent.

3.   On the issue of cost the answer depends very much upon how the costs are calculated.

4.   The answer depends on the circumstances.

5.   The answer depends on whether the publication is sponsored by the school as part of the curriculum.

6.   The answer depends on which level of court has jurisdiction, or authority to consider the dispute.

7.   The answer depends upon the precise nature of price rigidity.

8.   The answer depends, to some degree, on the effectiveness of those who have been active in the intervening years.

9.   The answer will depend on the nature of the work, but have it ready before you divide them into groups.

10.   In both areas the answer depends on what is the best form of agriculture, and especially of large-scale agriculture, under capitalist conditions.

n. + depend >>共 1166
success 4.03%
lot 3.09%
answer 2.75%
life 2.00%
survival 1.59%
future 1.57%
decision 1.33%
company 1.21%
economy 1.18%
country 1.16%
answer + v. >>共 261
be 68.15%
come 5.01%
lie 4.75%
depend 2.25%
seem 1.89%
have 1.52%
appear 1.06%
vary 0.65%
become 0.53%
emerge 0.49%
每页显示:    共 113