1.   I had already begun an outline for another book and for that I needed some local colour in an Eastern bloc country.

2.   If that happens, Freedman is going to have to get a flak jacket and write another book.

3.   Though the number of books I have read is pitiful I doubt whether I will find another book as good as this.

4.   He really must get hold of another book.

5.   And of course another book is in the works.

6.   And Pryor is planning to co-write another book, write a movie and possibly even star in a film.

7.   And they will publish yet another book.

8.   Another book held, as the Bergalises do, that it was an accident.

9.   Another book is entertaining for children.

10.   Another book suggested focusing on a single person in the audience and pretending that was the only person you were talking to.

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