1.   A flame gun works best on broad-leaved annual weeds and on broad-leaved perennials that have just gotten started.

2.   Each year the plants grow more roots, eventually forming an interwoven mass that chokes out annual weeds.

3.   It is time to think about overseeding the lawn, for soon the annual weed grasses will be on their way out and the bare patches will be apparent.

4.   It was an old relationship being worked out all over again, the annual weed and the perennial weeder.

5.   Pre-emergent herbicides are applied in early spring to deter warm-season annual weeds and in early fall to prevent outbreaks of cool-season annual weeds.

6.   Still overshadowed by annual weeds, they are struggling to establish roots under the perennial floods of the bayou.

a. + weed >>共 184
noxious 5.09%
tall 2.69%
common 2.40%
overgrown 2.40%
perennial 2.40%
red 2.40%
aquatic 2.10%
annual 1.80%
poisonous 1.50%
invasive 1.20%
annual + n. >>共 753
meeting 11.28%
report 5.49%
event 2.50%
conference 2.43%
budget 2.10%
pilgrimage 2.07%
summit 1.94%
convention 1.66%
fee 1.18%
review 1.07%
weed 0.05%
每页显示:    共 6