1.   First enzymes within the tissues of the animal carcass will modify tissues chemically and physically to effect tenderizing.

2.   The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.

3.   A Meat and Livestock Commission survey has drawn attention to the threat posed to water supplies by the dumping or burial of diseased animal carcasses around the countryside.

4.   The developer wants to deal only with animal carcasses, such as those affected by BSE.

5.   An eagle will also eat animal carcasses it finds, but it is illegal for people to use those to bait eagles.

6.   Court documents say Jeanette Bergman advertised for dead animal carcasses in local newspapers in Kootenai County and fed the carcasses to her animals.

7.   Female flies, for example, are attracted by the odor of an animal carcass, in which they then lay eggs.

8.   In addition, state officials would face the public-health dilemma of disposing of thousands of decaying animal carcasses.

9.   In Europe, the animal diseases currently threatening beef cattle, sheep and pigs have produced an almost daily ritual of gruesomely charred animal carcasses.

a. + carcass >>共 97
animal 25.97%
chicken 7.79%
rotting 6.93%
infected 3.03%
mangled 2.60%
diseased 1.73%
burning 1.73%
salmon 1.73%
whole 1.73%
entire 1.30%
animal + n. >>共 812
right 13.28%
feed 6.94%
welfare 3.10%
shelter 3.04%
study 2.73%
product 2.36%
lover 2.31%
control 1.88%
life 1.74%
cruelty 1.67%
carcass 1.04%
每页显示:    共 60