1.   Although he said he was seeking a friendly deal, in the end, analysts say, the pressure was all his.

2.   Among the reasons, analysts say, is the scarcity of developable land.

3.   An indictment of Milosevic would box in both him and the West, analysts say, since both would lose some diplomatic negotiating room.

4.   Analysts say Congress came out more of a winner in its just-finished session than did Mr. Clinton.

5.   Analysts say that could be as early as next week.

6.   Analysts say that Jews have seen Christianity, often Catholicism, used as the justification for anti-Jewish activities from the Crusades a thousand years ago to modern times.

7.   Analysts say that makes them unlikely replacements for VHS machines.

8.   Analysts say that may be wishful thinking.

9.   Analysts say that pressured the bank into action.

10.   Analysts say that sounds much too extreme.

n. + say >>共 658
official 8.24%
expert 7.67%
analyst 6.71%
critic 3.76%
doctor 3.03%
police 2.61%
authority 1.61%
economist 1.50%
people 1.46%
observer 1.27%
analyst + n. >>共 175
say 18.29%
expectation 16.61%
estimate 10.14%
point 5.75%
forecast 4.28%
report 3.03%
fear 2.72%
investor 1.99%
doubt 1.57%
downgrade 1.46%
每页显示:    共 174