1.   Analysts comment and interview with Garry Betty.

2.   Food retailers also slumped amid negative analyst comments and concern about price pressure, traders said.

3.   Merrill Lynch, a leading pension plan administrator, says the analyst comments were taken out of context.

4.   NatWest Bank and Barclays were among the top performers on the back of positive analyst comments from Credit Lyonnais Laing and ABN Amro Hoare Govett.

5.   Some big gainers in technologies were driven by favorable analyst comments.

6.   The accumulating challenges to the industry sent share prices down for all major tobacco companies despite analysts comments downplaying the likely impact of the Liggett action.

7.   Washington, D.C., stocks rose as positive analyst comments boosted America Online Inc. and takeover speculation bolstered bank stocks such as Provident Bankshares Corp.

8.   Washington, D.C. stocks rose, spurred by bullish analyst comments for Yurie Systems Inc. and Medimmune Inc.

9.   Package will include motor analyst comment.

10.   APTV hopes to have stock market pictures, analyst comments and is watching for the arrivals of more U-S military.

n. + comment >>共 183
government 9.26%
week 8.10%
press 5.56%
broker 4.86%
analyst 3.01%
weekend 2.55%
newspaper 2.08%
industry 2.08%
police 1.85%
morning 1.62%
analyst + n. >>共 175
say 18.29%
expectation 16.61%
estimate 10.14%
point 5.75%
forecast 4.28%
report 3.03%
fear 2.72%
investor 1.99%
doubt 1.57%
downgrade 1.46%
comment 1.36%
每页显示:    共 13