1.   The animals were anaesthetised three hours later and gastric blood flow and area of gastric lesions were measured as previously described.

2.   Immediately after the stress, the animals were anaesthetised to enable measurement of gastric glood flow.

3.   Two weeks after the second booster dose, the animals were anaesthetised with barbiturate, and exsanguinised by heart puncture.

v. + animal >>共 669
kill 5.68%
use 2.77%
keep 2.74%
protect 2.53%
slaughter 2.33%
treat 1.89%
raise 1.75%
bring 1.72%
feed 1.49%
take 1.40%
anaesthetise 0.12%
anaesthetise + n. >>共 4
rat 45.45%
animal 36.36%
arapaima 9.09%
mouse 9.09%
每页显示:    共 4