1. Hooking up a powered antenna by Terk, which amplifies incoming signals and allows greater directional fine-tuning, produced no appreciable improvement. 2. But if the implants can also amplify the weaker signals passing along a damaged spinal cord, it might be possible to restore movement to some paraplegics. 3. Implants that amplify weak signals traveling along the spinal cord might one day allow some paralyzed people to stand or even walk. 4. In the base of the antenna is a small transistor to amplify the signal. 5. Orders were particularly strong for chips used to manage power supplies and amplify signals, and for those used in wireless applications. 6. So it became necessary to amplify the signal in fiber optic lines. 7. The signal is amplified and displayed on a computer, and a clinician can see where the client needs to alter the range of frequencies. 8. These cells, inferior olivary neurons, send long fibers up to the cerebellum, where they make dense connections, thus amplifying their signals. 9. Thus, for example, hallucinogens amplify signals in the visual system to produce distortions of form and size. 10. Until the advances this year, molecular electronics researchers have made switches that can turn electric current on and off, but cannot amplify signals as transistors do. |