1.   He said criminal gangs involved in the amphetamine trade were also active in other crimes such as stolen cars, forgery and weapons smuggling.

2.   He said it was the Wa group that was involved in the amphetamine trade, and that it was carried out with the connivance of Burmese authorities.

3.   Nopadol blamed the legal system for lack of success against the amphetamine trade.

4.   The skyrocketing amphetamine trade in Thailand has ignited fears in neighboring Laos of a spillover and led to renewed pledges by both countries to catch drug traffickers.

n. + trade >>共 664
drug 19.53%
world 7.05%
tourist 2.92%
sex 2.57%
retail 2.32%
auto 2.05%
arm 1.98%
narcotic 1.76%
cross-border 1.61%
border 1.33%
amphetamine 0.10%
amphetamine + n. >>共 33
abuse 13.75%
tablet 8.75%
dealer 7.50%
derivative 6.25%
production 6.25%
trade 5.00%
use 5.00%
addiction 3.75%
problem 3.75%
rush 3.75%
每页显示:    共 4