1.   All our ambulance drivers are trained to deal with emergencies.

2.   In the field, women proved themselves capable ambulance drivers, and many drove trucks bringing up supplies to the troops.

3.   She went to San Diego for an internship, where she met an ambulance driver named Jerry Tonelli.

4.   The ten-week course was designed to teach female ambulance drivers serving abroad how to repair their own vehicles in the field.

5.   A radio ham called Tony and an ambulance driver who had just picked up a man with bandaged fingers who was suffering from exposure.

6.   Cornelius would have liked to have spoken more with the ambulance driver but the signal faded away.

7.   Even the factory ambulance driver, Greg Bradshaw, who was renowned for being able to cheer the most dire of situations, seemed subdued.

8.   Malcolm is a former ambulance driver and Joan is a nurse.

9.   Ambulance drivers spend more time roving the streets and working the radio, trying to find an ER with an open bed.

10.   Among the worshipers was Dror Schossheim, an ambulance driver who carried his young son in his arms.

n. + driver >>共 437
truck 20.90%
taxi 20.31%
bus 15.73%
car 3.81%
lorry 2.68%
train 2.35%
race 2.02%
ambulance 1.91%
van 1.24%
limousine 1.23%
ambulance + n. >>共 100
service 20.20%
crew 13.80%
driver 13.58%
worker 9.09%
spokesman 5.39%
officer 3.37%
siren 3.14%
company 2.81%
man 2.02%
attendant 1.46%
每页显示:    共 120