1.   After the elections, they embarked on an ambitious reform programme.

2.   His most ambitious reform efforts center on testing and training.

3.   Then there is an ambitious reform that would open much of the state-run energy sector to competition, though how is not yet clear.

4.   When her ambitious health care reform failed, she became newly vulnerable to criticism that she was overreaching her authority and henpecking her husband.

5.   Zedillo pushed through ambitious reforms that created a new, independent election system and leveled the playing field for the opposition.

6.   Ambitious reforms that Jiang and his premier, Zhu Rongji, hoped would remove the last vestiges of central planning from the economy have all but stalled.

7.   Britain, Sweden and Denmark said the cuts were necessary and criticized the price proposal for not seeking more ambitious reforms.

8.   But as the opening of the conference draws near, hopes are dimming for ambitious reforms, most notably determining common foreign policy by majority vote.

9.   But he stressed that he had ambitious reform plans, which include privatizing lucrative state firms, such as the telecommunications and the national airline.

10.   But the Russian government is strapped for cash and its military budget hardly covers the needs of the armed forces, which also are facing ambitious military reform plans.

a. + reform >>共 449
economic 22.79%
political 7.73%
democratic 7.06%
constitutional 3.05%
structural 2.93%
health_care 2.80%
sweeping 2.09%
proposed 1.43%
major 1.41%
electoral 1.39%
ambitious 0.30%
ambitious + n. >>共 719
plan 13.63%
project 4.64%
goal 4.60%
program 4.36%
effort 2.54%
agendum 2.34%
expansion 1.82%
reform 1.51%
man 1.35%
target 1.35%
每页显示:    共 38