1.   Amaryllis bulbs do not require pre-chilling, as do tulips, Prasek says.

2.   African amaryllis bulbs will flower three to five weeks after planting and have large blooms on shorter stalks that do not require staking.

3.   Buy the biggest, fattest amaryllis bulbs you can find.

4.   Buy the biggest and fattest amaryllis bulbs you can find.

5.   Pot African amaryllis bulbs three to five weeks before desired bloom time.

6.   Q. I have been given many amaryllis bulbs as presents.

7.   Select a clean clay pot, with a drainage hole two inches larger in diameter than the amaryllis bulb.

8.   Some amaryllis bulbs refuse to re-bloom, while others get bigger and send up more flowers.

9.   Sue McMahon found a flowering amaryllis bulb in her neighborhood hardware store and went up to the cashier to pay for it.

n. + bulb >>共 97
fennel 8.36%
spring 8.36%
tulip 8.00%
halogen 5.45%
garlic 4.36%
amaryllis 3.27%
daughter 3.27%
plant 2.91%
summer 2.91%
keel 2.55%
amaryllis + n. >>共 5
bulb 52.94%
family 17.65%
bloom 11.76%
flower 11.76%
plant 5.88%
每页显示:    共 9