1.   In the absence of methanogenesis, large intestinal fermentation is inefficient and produces different organic end products unless an alternative pathway exists to dispose of reducing equivalents.

2.   Alternative pathways at one level of description can be filtered hierarchically through attempts to build pathways at the next higher level.

3.   Scheme showing alternative splicing pathway of the visceral isoform.

4.   It works only when there are plenty of alternative pathways and redundant switches to start out.

5.   The hope is that their brains, after hearing the sounds for the first time, will develop alternative pathways for processing them.

6.   Tightening certification is not incompatible with opening up alternative pathways to teaching, she said.

7.   When that happens, for reasons that are still mysterious to researchers, the new vessels wind their way around the blockage and form an alternative pathway for blood.

8.   You were supposed to carve alternative pathways through the story by making choices and flipping to different page numbers.

a. + pathway >>共 191
new 3.90%
narrow 3.30%
neural 2.70%
alternative 2.40%
ancient 2.10%
same 2.10%
possible 1.80%
chemical 1.80%
developmental 1.50%
winding 1.50%
alternative + n. >>共 861
medicine 3.93%
source 3.24%
tax 2.97%
energy 2.82%
route 2.78%
fuel 2.41%
plan 2.15%
way 2.11%
site 2.00%
treatment 1.95%
pathway 0.15%
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