1.   And once the changes occur, while behavior can be altered, the pathways may never be reversed.

2.   Another change that you can make is to alter your behavior in response to her mood swings.

3.   Before it does, the society wants to know if contraception affects equine health or alters social behavior of mustang herds, said its president, Karen Sussman.

4.   Bold it may be, but using money as an incentive to alter behavior is as old as humanity itself.

5.   -- Hold parents responsible for the criminal behavior of their children and train parents to alter the behavior of their children.

6.   But climate change can also have a more indirect effect on an ecosystem, by altering the behavior of predators within it.

7.   But economists say that continued large-scale job losses and a stagnant stock market could alter that behavior.

8.   But some economists and sociologists suggest that the government cannot alter behavior in that way.

9.   But the new report shows that the mere presence of condoms does not alter behavior.

10.   But there are good reasons to believe it actually alters behavior.

v. + behavior >>共 408
change 10.03%
affect 2.75%
exhibit 2.37%
influence 2.26%
control 2.15%
encourage 1.98%
explain 1.71%
alter 1.60%
study 1.54%
cause 1.27%
alter + n. >>共 822
way 3.18%
course 2.67%
plan 2.56%
life 2.12%
outcome 1.33%
perception 1.33%
pattern 1.30%
policy 1.23%
landscape 1.20%
rule 1.09%
behavior 0.99%
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