1.   Preparations for the Normandy landings took place here because the terrain is similar to that which faced the Allied invasion forces.

2.   Six alien companies of the Pioneer Corps accompanied the allied invasion.

3.   The following month Spain and Germany signed a secret protocol in which Spain pledged to repel any Allied invasion.

4.   The idea was that, when the right moment came, the gun would be transported over the sea to assist with the allied invasion of Germany.

5.   Bayeux is a convenient embarkation point in its own right for visiting the D-Day beaches, site of the Allied invasion of France.

6.   A Tokyo broadcaster responds that the Japanese are saving their strength to turn back Allied invasions of China, Korea and the home islands of Japan.

7.   Clinton told how Pisar, then a teen-ager and escapee from the infamous Dachau death camp, greeted an American in the advancing Allied invasion army.

8.   Discovery Channel Ducks are restored DUKWs, open-air, canopied amphibious vehicles built by General Motors to carry troops in the Allied invasions of Sicily and northern France.

9.   He helped set up operations for locating and jamming Axis radar to reduce its effectiveness in pinpointing Allied aircraft during the Allied invasions of Italy and southern France.

10.   He flew Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to Africa for the Allied invasion there.

a. + invasion >>共 321
iraqi 7.01%
soviet 5.58%
military 4.15%
possible 3.77%
vietnamese 2.87%
israeli 2.79%
russian 2.71%
foreign 2.56%
american 2.56%
allied 2.34%
allied + n. >>共 389
force 12.17%
plane 5.23%
militiaman 5.01%
troop 4.88%
warplane 4.09%
aircraft 3.30%
commander 3.14%
militia 2.72%
official 2.41%
nation 2.22%
invasion 0.98%
每页显示:    共 31