1.   It is not an exception to the rule gives details of alibi witnesses.

2.   What should the police do about those alibi witnesses?

3.   And in the meantime, investigators failed to interview a key alibi witness until five days after Everett was arrested.

4.   At trial, they even produced an alibi witness who offered a explanation as to why neither Scott nor Echols could have committed the rape.

5.   But Sherman put up a parade of alibi witnesses, none of whom the jury believed.

6.   Clark will have a chance only to discredit the expected testimony of the alibi witness -- Mary Anne Gerchas.

7.   First, Rosa Lopez, a key alibi witness, appeared confused on the witness stand, often contradicting herself.

8.   Hadley told Maples of an alibi witness, but Maples never talked to her, and never called her.

9.   Now, he spends much of his time thinking about alibi witnesses, DNA evidence, and bloody gloves.

10.   Pagones stepped forward as an alibi witness, telling investigators that he had been with Crist during that time.

n. + witness >>共 134
prosecution 33.68%
defense 17.75%
government 8.49%
character 4.28%
rebuttal 3.86%
eye 3.51%
police 2.88%
interview 2.39%
child 2.11%
defence 1.54%
alibi 1.54%
alibi + n. >>共 9
witness 62.86%
testimony 11.43%
statement 8.57%
claim 2.86%
contruct 2.86%
derby 2.86%
document 2.86%
evidence 2.86%
shop 2.86%
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