1.   The principal product of alcohol metabolism is acetic acid, which is useful in many ways.

2.   The vast majority of alcohol metabolism occurs in the liver.

3.   Recently, a non-oxidative pathway of alcohol metabolism that leads to the production of fatty acid ethyl esters has been described, catalysed FAEE synthase.

4.   Fructose may also lower levels of acetaldehyde, a breakdown product of alcohol metabolism that is the major culprit in hangovers, he says.

n. + metabolism >>共 39
protein 12.38%
glucose 9.52%
calcium 7.62%
butyrate 5.71%
sugar 4.76%
energy 4.76%
cell 4.76%
alcohol 4.76%
drug 3.81%
body 2.86%
alcohol + n. >>共 233
abuse 16.77%
consumption 10.85%
use 5.12%
content 4.88%
problem 4.39%
sale 3.78%
intake 2.99%
test 2.50%
program 2.26%
limit 1.89%
metabolism 0.30%
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