1.   They should be either burnt or laid out flat to dry, or kept in an airtight tin.

2.   Store the cookies in an airtight tin.

3.   Cool on a wire rack, and store in an airtight tin at room temperature.

4.   Cool on a rack and store in airtight tins.

5.   Store in airtight tins kept in the refrigerator.

6.   Store in an airtight tin.

7.   The peanut meringues can be stored for a week in an airtight tin at room temperature.

8.   When absolutely cold, store in an airtight tin.

9.   Pack into an airtight tin or jars.

a. + tin >>共 76
corrugated 6.75%
large 6.75%
biscuit 6.75%
airtight 5.52%
big 4.91%
small 3.68%
empty 3.07%
metal 3.07%
old 3.07%
prepared 3.07%
airtight + n. >>共 88
container 48.12%
case 3.49%
seal 3.49%
bag 2.96%
jar 2.96%
tin 2.42%
alibi 2.15%
food 2.15%
freezer 1.61%
defense 1.34%
每页显示:    共 9