1.   And if they get through the interview, then they have to find someone outside Cuba who can buy them an airplane ticket and pay for their X-ray.

2.   Advance purchases of airplane tickets fall into this category.

3.   Bought my airplane ticket months ago.

4.   But the Socialist opposition quickly questioned whether the cash that paid for the airplane tickets could have come from the secret fund.

5.   But when I walked across Nairobi on a Saturday morning to pick up an airplane ticket, I wandered into a shootout.

6.   DiCarlo said he paid for his airplane ticket for the New York trip and other business trips.

7.   For example, a buyer might wish to buy two airplane tickets from New York to Seattle.

8.   From the minute they take the oath, they get an airplane ticket.

9.   He also sent her an airplane ticket so she could deliver his winnings in person, but he and his wife were left standing at the airport.

10.   He said he had been denied exemption from forced overtime because he had no airplane ticket to prove his travel plans, but had taken the driving trip anyway.

n. + ticket >>共 368
airline 15.34%
plane 10.13%
lottery 9.52%
air 3.86%
traffic 3.38%
concert 2.60%
movie 2.56%
bus 2.52%
theater 2.24%
airplane 2.20%
airplane + n. >>共 295
crash 6.11%
ticket 4.58%
manufacturer 4.07%
seat 3.82%
part 3.74%
maker 3.48%
flight 3.40%
hangar 3.14%
wing 3.06%
engine 2.29%
每页显示:    共 54