1.   The radio reported that the air transporter, carrying the Supreme Leader of the Nicaean Federation, had landed.

2.   The ride in the air transporter had been bumpy due to air missiles fired in their direction.

3.   They checked the two men as they left the air transporter.

n. + transporter >>共 31
troop 21.79%
dopamine 11.54%
serotonin 8.97%
air 6.41%
car 6.41%
cash 3.85%
freight 3.85%
tank 3.85%
glutamate 2.56%
money 2.56%
air + n. >>共 541
travel 5.54%
attack 5.02%
pollution 4.75%
controller 4.63%
campaign 4.31%
traffic 4.02%
fare 2.87%
time 2.78%
system 2.54%
quality 2.38%
transporter 0.03%
每页显示:    共 5