1.   I let the cooling air dry me.

2.   Then go for a walk and let the night air dry your tears.

3.   Impression smears of the filters on glass slides were air dried, acetone fixed and Gram stained.

4.   As the air dries on descent from the Appalachians, clouds will break near the Northeast coast.

5.   As you are doing all these things, keep the door open for good air drying.

6.   Avoid heating vents, as the warm air will dry the plant.

7.   Open the door at the end of the wash cycle and let the dishes air dry.

8.   Sinking air is the key, because air always dries and warms as it sinks, says meteorologist Tim McClung of the National Weather Service office in Los Angeles.

n. + dry >>共 248
paint 5.97%
soil 2.88%
glue 2.21%
track 2.21%
air 1.77%
sun 1.55%
coat 1.55%
wind 1.55%
blow 1.55%
surface 1.33%
air + v. >>共 455
be 24.78%
arrive 4.59%
spread 3.64%
cover 2.91%
surge 2.88%
circulate 2.07%
smell 1.82%
reach 1.48%
move 1.45%
rise 1.31%
dry 0.22%
每页显示:    共 8