1.   This initially proved a mirage and despite feelers put out by Baghdad for the holding of talks to air their differences, resistance continued.

2.   Ackerley met with him, and they kind of aired their differences.

3.   After their differences were publicly aired through the newspapers, both Ford and Wilkins said their communication problems were behind them.

4.   All said they had aired strong differences with the company over its rates for wire transfers to Mexico.

5.   But anti-abortion Democrats have generally aired their differences in private.

6.   But more substantive differences were also aired.

7.   But now that their differences have been aired, it may be possible for them to again work together on behalf of the Democratic Party.

8.   But then, they rarely air their differences with outsiders.

9.   He has said a hearing to air differences and to debate issues is critical to fulfilling that responsibility.

10.   He said the delay in making a final decision was the result of both sides trying to air their differences.

v. + difference >>共 574
make 29.32%
resolve 7.08%
settle 3.38%
have 3.31%
see 2.52%
notice 2.44%
know 2.43%
tell 1.92%
find 1.66%
narrow 1.62%
air 0.26%
air + n. >>共 376
ad 6.70%
grievance 5.17%
view 4.70%
commercial 3.76%
show 3.35%
footage 3.06%
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interview 2.18%
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difference 1.47%
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