1.   As the ailing Syrian leader, Hafez Assad, named his son, Bashar, as his heir in running Lebanon, Hariri fell out of favor.

2.   It is headed by Yevgeny Chazov, the doctor who kept the ailing Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev alive for years.

3.   The meeting will accommodate two ailing leaders.

4.   Parish priests on Thursday said the ailing leader of the Greek Orthodox Church should consider resigning after his doctors said he will not soon be released from the hospital.

5.   Arafat was left out of a deal contrived by Jordan and Israel last week to free an ailing leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

6.   Arafat was left out of a deal reached by Jordan and Israel last week to free an ailing leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

7.   Carter and the ailing Soviet leader, meeting in Vienna, signed the SALT II arms control treaty, which the president could not get the Senate to ratify.

8.   Chazov once headed the Kremlin health service and is credited with keeping ailing Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev alive for years.

9.   Condition of ailing Greek Orthodox Church leader improves.

10.   Fragile talks aimed at launching a Zaire peace process took a step forward Thursday with an envoy for President Mobutu Sese Seko saying the ailing leader wants peace.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
ailing 0.06%
ailing + n. >>共 449
economy 12.66%
bank 5.95%
company 3.84%
father 3.17%
industry 2.93%
president 2.88%
leader 2.25%
mother 2.06%
shoulder 1.87%
knee 1.68%
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