1.   This means that the biceps have been worked through their complete range of movement, aiding complete development.

2.   What they are offering through this framework are checklists to aid the development of a curriculum.

3.   Welfare spending aids economic development in three ways.

4.   Comprehension of stem cell biology of specific tissues has aided development of the above methods and may be approporiate for development of similar techniques, for the small bowel.

5.   Welfare spending, it was argued, aided economic development in three main ways.

6.   And it reasoned that living samples might aid the development of new treatments and antidotes.

7.   At MITI, Amaya was instrumental in drawing up plans by which the government aided the development of Japanese industry.

8.   Functioning legislatures aid development.

9.   Moisture aids development of soybean plants as they reach an important stage when flowers set into the pods in which soybeans develop.

10.   Plummer, for one, thinks the disappointment of losing his starting job has aided his development as a player.

v. + development >>共 677
promote 3.50%
encourage 3.44%
discuss 3.24%
monitor 3.16%
watch 2.97%
include 1.94%
spur 1.90%
follow 1.90%
support 1.72%
await 1.52%
aid 0.53%
aid + n. >>共 621
rebel 7.98%
effort 3.05%
victim 2.54%
refugee 2.39%
militant 1.93%
terrorist 1.63%
worker 1.52%
development 1.32%
investigation 1.27%
group 1.22%
每页显示:    共 26