1.   Important families grew out of brewing, for example, linking agricultural production to the financial system which channelled the profits.

2.   Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.

3.   The plan was meant to boost agricultural production.

4.   Thus, agricultural production can increase as a result of colonization, population growth and improvements in land and labor productivity.

5.   Understanding of population growth in relation to the level of agricultural production facilitates future food planning and management.

6.   Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.

7.   In contrast, agricultural production was affected by labour shortages and uncompetitive wages.

8.   This reflected concern about potential disruption to agricultural production, and disagreement about the future of co-operative farmers.

a. + production >>共 1365
industrial 12.67%
new 3.02%
increased 2.95%
domestic 2.46%
agricultural 2.19%
higher 1.95%
lower 1.60%
full 1.37%
local 1.36%
overseas 1.09%
agricultural + n. >>共 586
product 9.90%
land 4.29%
sector 4.10%
production 3.77%
subsidy 2.27%
export 2.10%
worker 1.75%
cooperative 1.73%
goods 1.69%
development 1.67%
每页显示:    共 182