1.   The work was not finished by the agreed date.

2.   We refused to pay because the goods were not delivered by the agreed date.

3.   Finally the letter must confirm the agreed date by which the report will be delivered.

4.   Undertakings A variety of undertakings are possible in order to facilitate a completion taking place on the agreed date.

5.   The effect of such a provision may be to replace the normal absolute obligation to deliver on the agreed date with an obligation to use best endeavours.

6.   Both parties to the agreement know how much money will change hands at the agreed date in the future.

7.   The statement did not specify the agreed dates for their surrender.

8.   -- Movement towards an agreed date for removing tariff barriers to trade among APEC members.

9.   -- Movement towards an agreed date for removing tariff barriers to trade in APEC.

a. + date >>共 596
later 14.41%
new 8.46%
exact 7.71%
specific 4.25%
first 3.13%
future 2.50%
unspecified 2.35%
firm 2.14%
starting 1.85%
hearing 1.80%
agreed 0.18%
agreed + n. >>共 204
price 4.32%
level 2.81%
timetable 2.38%
date 2.38%
target 2.38%
term 2.16%
deadline 1.94%
procedure 1.73%
bid 1.73%
standard 1.73%
每页显示:    共 11