1.   For this reason small craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon.

2.   Mariners in the U.S. Virgin Islands and eastern Puerto Rico waters should exercise caution this afternoon.

3.   Residents over puerto rico should monitor the weather and exercise caution this afternoon on areas of heavy rainfall.

4.   Small craft exercise caution this afternoon elsewhere.

5.   Small craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon over the coastal waters.

6.   Small-craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon.

7.   Small boat operators need to continue to exercise caution this afternoon in Atlantic coastal waters due to northeast swells.

8.   Small craft operators should continue to exercise caution this afternoon due to moderate east to southeast winds and choppy seas.

9.   Small craft should exercise caution this afternoon across the Caribbean waters and across all local waters tonight.

10.   Small craft should exercise caution this afternoon...

n. + caution >>共 75
investor 11.62%
expert 7.58%
afternoon 5.05%
analyst 5.05%
consumer 4.55%
exercise 4.04%
craft 3.54%
official 3.03%
market 3.03%
excercise 3.03%
afternoon + n. >>共 506
area 6.65%
region 5.20%
island 3.19%
water 3.10%
thunderstorm 2.92%
meeting 2.01%
one 1.37%
time 1.09%
rain 1.09%
session 1.00%
caution 0.91%
每页显示:    共 10