1.   ----- After years of accusing the news media of liberal bias, some conservatives are ready to declare a ceasefire.

2.   After years of complaints from parents about the lack of phonics instruction in schools, several area districts are pumping up their structured reading programs, including phonics.

3.   After many years of bondage,

4.   After many years of waiting.

5.   After years of selective breeding, only one breed of turkey, the aptly named Broadbreasted White, remains in large-scale production in the United States.

6.   After years of practice, anti-Intel slurs roll easily off his tongue.

7.   After years of incessant questioning about his intentions with Rhys-Jones, Edward proposed before Christmas.

8.   After years of planning and budget cuts, the new dimension in the Disney experience was scheduled to open fully to the public on Thursday.

9.   Especially after last year.

10.   In those cases it was the government, not the polluting company, that bought the houses, and then only after years of legal challenges.

a. + year >>共 250
recent 25.41%
past 12.07%
last 10.41%
next 6.96%
first 3.79%
second 2.81%
previous 2.30%
following 2.17%
coming 2.10%
same 1.68%
after 0.02%
after + n. >>共 189
year 4.91%
all 3.99%
effect 3.07%
midnight 3.07%
one 2.45%
decade 1.53%
practice 1.53%
lunch 1.53%
dinner 1.23%
day 1.23%
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